Daeha Kim (Computer Scientist)
Research Interests: Facial Expression Recognition, Expression Synthesis, and Privacy-aware Expression Recognition


Conference Papers

1st Author, Emotion-aware Multi-view Contrastive Learning for Facial Emotion Recognition, ECCV 2022.

1st Author, Optimal Transport-based Identity Matching for Identity-invariant Facial Expression Recognition, NeurIPS 2022 (Spotlight).

2nd Author, Style-Guided and Disentangled Representation for Robust Image-to-Image Translation, AAAI 2022.

2nd Author, Fine Gaze Redirection Learning with Gaze Hardness-aware Transformation, WACV 2023.

2nd Author, RPFNET: Complementary Feature Fusion for Hand Gesture Recognition, ICIP 2022.

1st Author, Hidden Emotion Detection using Multi‐modal Signals, CHI 2021.

1st Author, Contrastive Adversarial Learning for Person Independent Facial Emotion Recognition, AAAI 2021.

3rd Author, Visual scene‐aware hybrid neural network architecture for video‐based facial expression recognition, FG 2019.

2nd Author, Recognizing fine facial micro‐expressions using two‐dimensional landmark feature, ICIP 2018.

2nd Author, Self‐supervised knowledge distillation using singular value decomposition ECCV 2018.

1st Author, Multi‐modal emotion recognition using semi‐supervised learning and multiple neural networks in the wild, ICMI 2017.


Workshop Contributions

1st Author, Metric‐based regularization and temporal ensemble for multi‐task learning using heterogeneous unsupervised tasks, ICCVW 2019.

1st Author, MUNet: macro unit‐based convolutional neural network for mobile devices, CVPRW 2018.


Journal Articles

2nd Author, Synthesized Rain images for Deraining Algorithms, Neurocomputing 2022.

Impact factor(IF): 5.779

1st Author, Probabilistic Principal Geodesic Deep Metric Learning, IEEE Access 2022.

Impact factor(IF): 3.476

1st Author, Deep Metric Learning with Manifold Class Variability Analysis, IEEE Transactions of Multimedia 2021.

Impact factor(IF): 8.182

1st Author, Metric‐based Attention Feature Learning for Video Action Recognition, IEEE Access 2021.

Impact factor(IF): 3.476

1st Author, Virtual sample‐based deep metric learning using discriminant analysis, Pattern Recognition 2021.

Impact factor(IF): 8.518

2nd Author, Visual Scene‐Aware Hybrid and Multi‐Modal Feature Aggregation for Facial Expression Recognition, Sensors 2020.

Impact factor(IF): 3.847

1st Author, Real‐time purchase behavior recognition system based on deep learning‐based object detection and tracking for an unmanned product cabinet, Expert Systems with Applications 2020.

Impact factor(IF): 8.665

2nd Author, Action Recognition Using Deep 3D CNNs with Sequential Feature Aggregation and Attention, Electronics 2020.

Impact factor(IF): 2.690

1st Author, Macro unit‐based convolutional neural network for very light‐weight deep learning, Image and Vision Computing 2019.

Impact factor(IF): 3.860


PhD Thesis

Daeha Kim, Disentangled Expression and Identity Feature Representations for Identity‐invariant Facial Expression Recognition, Doctoral Thesis 2023.
